Java Projects

Android Photo Album App

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An Android application allowing multiple users to independently organize their photos with albums, photos, and searchable tags of people or locations. Written in Java and developed in Android Studio.

Chess Engine

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A command line chess game written in Java which allows two players to consecutively enter moves in algebraic notation (i.e. e2 e4) and visualize the chess board in the form:

bR  bN  bB  bQ   bK  bB  bN  bR     8

bp  bp   bp  bp   bp  bp   bp  bp     7

      ##       ##       ##      ##     6

##       ##       ##      ##           5

      ##       ##       ##      ##     4

##       ##       ##      ##           3

wp  wp  wp  wp  wp  wp  wp  wp    2

wR  wN  wB  wQ wK  wB  wN  wR    1

  a     b     c     d     e     f     g     h

Photo Album

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A photo album made with the model-view-controller framework in Java.